Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easy English Listening: Snowy and Sunny

Audio Script for Sunny &  Snowy

It's a sunny day which is better than a snowy day unless you're a skier or a snowboarder. If you like to go snowboarding, then maybe a sunny, snowy day would be okay. If you're a skier, perhaps a sunny and snowy day would be okay, too. But if you just like to walk around Kanazawa, then a sunny day is better than a snowy day, don't you think?

Go snowboarding - Go skiing. Snowboarder - Skier.

He likes to go snowboarding. He's a snowboarder.

She likes to go skiing. She's a skier.

Video for What kind of ~ do you like?

Two ways to ask what kind of ~ people like.

Can you ask questions using "What kind of ~?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Sukiyaki Song from Kanazawa

Listen to this slow easy version of Kyu Sakamoto's 上を向いて歩こう (Sukiyaki Song in English)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Yoshida Brothers Rockin' Out

The Yoshida Brothers playing Rising on shamisen. Enjoy.

Hokudai/Cast: Your Trilingual Podcast