Mirai Sozo is the School of Future Learning at Hokuriku University. The primary focus is on language (English and Chinese) and management (hospital administration, sports, and business).
A quick - In English - video about Chinese word order. Learn the difference between Chinese and English word order. The teacher explains how to put together a Chinese sentence.
Subject - When - Where - How - Action
English word order: Tomorrow I will study Chinese with Lily in the library.
Chinese word order: I tomorrow in the library with Lily study Chinese.
The Flowers Band singing Change Into A Butterfly for Fly. The band broke up in 2009 having performed since 1998.Follow the hanji as you sing. And enjoy.
Hokudai/Cast 221 has a song by CaiYiLin called LoveLoveLove and here, for your educational enlightenment, is a pinying version of the same song if you want to practice speaking. Enjoy.
And here is a Hanji version if you want to practice reading and listening.
About 100 Hokuriku University (北陸大学) students are going to Beijing University of Culture and Language (BCLU - 北京语言大学) to study Chinese, English, and
herbal medicine. They'll leave this month and stay about one month. Here is a quick video of the BCLU campus. BCLU is famous for teaching foreigners Chinese and Chinese other languages. The students should have a good time.
Here are two videos to help you start your Chinese learning experience. The first gives very careful pronunciation. The second puts it all together. Enjoy.
I found Peggy teaching Chinese in a very understandable and enjoyable lesson. You need to speak some English but it's not necessary - you can understand from her actions and video inserts. So, learn a little Chinese, eh?
Extra what does it mean? It means 'outside of' or 'without' or 'except.' Where can we see words that use extra? How about:
Terremeans earth or earthly. The opposite is celestialwhich means 'in the stars' or 'in the heavens'. Extra-terrestrial, then, means outside of the earth. Like the movie: ET. (ET which stands for, of course, Extra-Terrestrial. Here's the music from the movie - ET: The Extra-Terrestrial:
Another word with extra is:
It's not ordinary, it's outside of ordinary. It's extraordinary. It's very special.
And finally we have :
Extra-curricular is a good word. Curricular means a 'course or career.' It is often connected with schools. What you study and when you study it is the curriculum. So extra-curricular means outside of school. Okay? Good. Go play.