Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easy English Listening: Snowy and Sunny

Audio Script for Sunny &  Snowy

It's a sunny day which is better than a snowy day unless you're a skier or a snowboarder. If you like to go snowboarding, then maybe a sunny, snowy day would be okay. If you're a skier, perhaps a sunny and snowy day would be okay, too. But if you just like to walk around Kanazawa, then a sunny day is better than a snowy day, don't you think?

Go snowboarding - Go skiing. Snowboarder - Skier.

He likes to go snowboarding. He's a snowboarder.

She likes to go skiing. She's a skier.

Video for What kind of ~ do you like?

Two ways to ask what kind of ~ people like.

Can you ask questions using "What kind of ~?

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